About Us

Culture Online was established in the year 2020, however, we have been in the cultural exchange field for more than 10 years. Our years of experience in the field made us see that the Au Pairs and internationals would need more than an internet search to understand and learn about the Netherlands. Additionally, due to the current state of the world, we believe that learning right from the comfort of your own homes is the way forward.

Our courses and workshops are designed to support you in your stay in a new country. Our teachers and facilitators will be using innovative methods and activities to help you improve your language skills and hone your artistic skills as well.

What can you expect from Culture Online?

Professional teachers and experts in their respective fields

Unique courses on the Dutch culture and the Netherlands

Conversational practice

Economical lessons from the comfort of your homes
Interesting workshops to embrace other cultures
A unique team made up of native speakers and internationals who have lived in many countries and innately loves people, different cultures, and languages.